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The Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS)

All our room works alongside the EYFS, which is a statutory framework called Principles into Practice. This has four themes; a unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments, and learning and development. These four themes express important principles underpinning effective practice in the care, development and learning of young children. Each principle is supported by four commitments which describe how the principles can be put into practice.

The four principles of the EYFS are:
• Every child is a competent learner from birth that can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
• Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parent/carer and/or key person.
• The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children's development and learning.
• Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected.

In the learning and development there are seven different areas. The first three are 'Prime Areas' and the other four are called 'Specific Areas'
• Personal, social and emotional
• Physical development
• Communication and language
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive arts and design

Children will have a key person in their room who has special responsibilities for working with only a small number of children, giving them reassurance to feel safe and cared for, and building relationships with their parents or carers. The key person will be more than happy to talk to parents about their child at any time. They will also make observations on your child throughout their time at Twinkle Twinkle Gem.
The observations will be noted and written up into the child's learning folder Parents are welcome to read these observations and write their own comments as often as they like. Photographs of your child will also be added to the folder to help build a better picture of the activities that they're involved in.
When children are two years of age, practitioners will write a learning and development summary (2 year progress check) which will be shared with parents, carers and health visitors.

Our Gallery


Twinkle Twinkle Gem Nursery
35 Sunderland Road,
Forest Hill,
London SE23 2PS
Tel: 02034173740 & 07446893191

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